For Providers

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Quality Care South Dakota is available to registered family day cares, licensed child care programs, and licensed before and after school programs in the state of South Dakota.

To apply to be part of QCSD email

Why Participate?

Staying actively engaged in quality improvement takes time, dedication, and resources. When a child care or school-age care program voluntarily participates in Quality Care South Dakota, it receives support to participate in the required continuous quality improvement activities.

Supports include:

  • Coaching for participating educators to create safe, healthy, child directed, and engaging learning environments to support children’s development. Through observations and coaching, educators develop quality improvement goals for Continuous Quality Improvements.
  • Coaching for directors/administrators to support program management.
  • Financial grants to purchase materials and/or equipment, or other quality expenses.
  • Resources for Programs and Providers (SD ECE Resources website)

What Does Participating in Quality Care South Dakota Look Like for My Program?

Once you have received confirmation that your program has been selected to participate. The orientation process will begin with a welcome meeting with your Quality Coach.

Your program’s Quality Coach will support you and your team throughout your journey. They will meet with you and the participating educators either in-person or virtually, typically on a six-week cycle. During these meetings, your coach will provide guidance, offering insights, resources, and strategies to ensure continuous progress as you navigate the quality improvement journey.

QCSD is anchored in the principle of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), which enables programs to assess all facets of their operations, from health and safety practices to program management. By setting clear, actionable goals and regularly evaluating your current practices, your program can enhance the quality of your program to better serve children and families.

Through participation in QCSD, your program will not only have the chance to reflect on and refine it’s strategies but also to celebrate progress and achievements.

Explanation of Levels

Level 1:

This level of quality practices reaches above the South Dakota Licensing standards and marks the beginning of the quality improvement journey. This level focuses on introducing continuous quality improvement, reflective practice, and goal setting practices. This level must be completed before applying for level 2.

Level 2:

This level of quality moves from introductory to data driven. The Environment Rating Scales (ERS)* observations are a vital part of level 2. This provides programs with data to  support the practice of continuous quality improvement  from external observations in areas of health and safety, learning environments, activities, interactions, program management, and workforce development. This level must be completed before applying for level 3.

* There are four Environment Rating Scales (ERS) tools that will be used with coaching and observations. The scales are designed to assess quality in an early childhood or school age care group. This quality consists of the various interaction that goes on in the classroom between staff and children, staff, parents, and other adults, among the children themselves, and the interactions children have with the many materials and activities in the environment. As well as those features such as space, schedule, and materials that support these interactions. The four ERS tools are:

  1. Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale Third Edition (ITERS-3)
  2. Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Third Edition (ECERS-3)
  3. School Age Care Environment Rating Scale Updated Edition (SACERS-U)
  4. Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale Third Edition (FCCERS-3)

Level 3:

This level takes data driven goals a step further by including internal observations. This level focuses on making observation, reflection, and action planning a habitual practice in programs. These practices are vital to high-quality programs. This level must be completed before applying for level 4.

Level 4:

This level is the high tier of quality for Quality Care South Dakota. Programs are able to maintain high quality practices, and set up internal structures to lead continuous quality improvements. All aspects of quality are addressed and functioning at a high level.  Programs must complete all requirements for levels 1 through 3 in order to obtain this level designation.

Additional Supports

South Dakota ECE Resources

This website brings together thousands of carefully vetted resources to support child and youth care providers across a wide range of topics.

The following is a small sampling of a few of the resources and topics covered are:

  • Forms, policy examples, and handbook templates
  • Financial Management Toolkit
  • Family Child Care Toolkit
  • Emergency Readiness
  • Health & Safety
  • Teacher resources

If you work in a registered or licensed child care or school-age program and do not have an account, please request a membership at no cost to you at .

South Dakota Pathways to Professional Development (Pathways)

Pathways is designed for educators in direct care positions within a registered or licensed child care or school-age program.

Pathways was created to help educators plan their training, education, and career development goals so they are prepared to educate, nurture, and meet the needs of infants, children, and youth.

By applying to the South Dakota Pathways, you will be recognized for your dedication to children and your efforts towards your continuous growth within this vital profession. Pathways recognizes educators on their path to success and denotes achievement within a nine-level career ladder. Showcasing your professional achievements is important to your program, community and the families you support. Apply today to join this professional initiative.

To apply for Pathways, log-in on Traininghouse and search for “Pathways”.

South Dakota Core Knowledge & Competencies for Early Childhood and School-Age Educators (CKCs)

The South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies (CKCs) help early childhood and school-age care educators reflect on their professional growth by outlining essential knowledge and skills across eight areas. The self-reflection tool has two main purposes: understanding your current level of practice and identifying strengths and gaps to guide future professional development.

To use the tool, educators select a domain to explore, check practices they consistently use, and identify areas for further learning. The indicators in the document are examples, not exhaustive lists of expectations.

The South Dakota Annual Professional Development Plan (SD APDP), found in Appendix B, complements the CKC self-reflection tool. It supports educators in developing a personalized professional development plan, encouraging reflection on strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps. This self-paced process fosters personal and professional growth, allowing educators to lead their learning journey.

To request a free copy of Pathways for yourself or staff, please email

Registered Family Child Care Homes

Click for more information

Licensed Child Care Centers

Click for more information

Licensed School Age Programs

Click for more information

Quality Care South Dakota is housed at the Child & Family Resource Network on the campus of South Dakota State University.

Box 2218
Brookings, SD  57007
Hours: 8 am – 5 pm CST, Monday -Friday

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