South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies for Early Childhood and School-Age Educators
Your Professional Development Journey – it is yours to decide.

The South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies is a supportive guide for your learning, understanding, and application and how you choose to invest in YOU!

Well-prepared and responsive family child care educators, early childhood educators, and school-age educators support families and the children in their care, as well other educators.

This intentional approach to professional development is here to support YOU in your journey as a professional serving South Dakota children and families.
Are you an educator who is looking to continue to grow as a professional?
The SD CKC’s supports your journey as a profession who reflects and plans for future professional development opportunities.
An investment in YOU is an investment in South Dakota’s youngest citizens’ future. The SD CKC’s support your role as an educator who is responsive and engaged in children’s learning, development, and well-being. South Dakota’s Core Competencies are divided into eight areas of knowledge and skills. The areas identify the knowledge and skills needed for early childhood educators to work with young children, families, community resources, and other professionals.
For more information on the South Dakota Pathways to Professional Development or to request a copy of the South Dakota Core Knowledge and Competencies please email