Our Mission

Our Mission

We believe that every child in South Dakota deserves safe and responsive care. Every adult who impacts children should have the necessary resources, training and supports to provide exceptional care in enriching environments.

Our Mission
Our History/Purpose

2023-2026 SDECE Strategic Plan

Click here to view/or download PDF

Our History/Purpose

The Department of Social Services, Child Care Services (CCS) established the Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) System to meet the growing demand for early childhood and school-age training, and to help recruit and retain quality child care providers, as well as to encourage and support program quality across the state of South Dakota.

South Dakota’s ECE programs offer a systematic approach to providing early childhood and school-age education services and technical assistance. Services are available to all child care and after-school providers, parents and others involved in the day-to-day care of children and youth.

The Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) offices across the state deliver a variety of services focused on parents, family child care providers, childcare center staff, youth development professionals and other early education professionals throughout South Dakota.

Our History/Purpose

Our Regions

Click on a region below for more information.

Region 1: Early Childhood Connections

3645 Sturgis Rd, Suite 110
Rapid City, SD 57702
(605) 342-6464
Visit website

Region 2: The Right Turn, Inc.

115 E Sioux Ave
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 773-4755
Visit website

Region 3: Sanford Children’s CHILD Services

2905 3rd Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD 57401
(605) 226-5675
Visit website

Region 4: Child and Family Resource Network

South Dakota State University
Box 2218
Brookings, SD 57007
(605) 688-5730
Visit website

Region 5: Sanford Children’s CHILD Services

5015 S Western Ave
Suite 120
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
(605) 312-8390
Visit website

Our History/Purpose


Child Care Provider Portal

Market and Promote Your Registered or Licensed Child Care Program! Through this portal, you can create a profile for your program. Your Provider Profile provides you with complete control to maintain and update your program’s profile information.

Having your current information available and easily accessible to families seeking child care is a free benefit to you and is a huge benefit to families in South Dakota!

More Information and Instructions: Click here to view/download the Child Care Provider Portal Flyer (PDF)

Joining the Child Care Helpline is a free and simple process.

South Dakota Department of Social Services
Sanford Children's
The Right Turn
Child and Family Resource Network
Early Childhood Connections
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