Social Wellness & Emotional Wellness
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The SD Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) System offers support to child care providers and parents involving children who exhibit challenging behaviors or developmental concerns. Supports available include:
- Developmental Milestones and Screenings
- Onsite Observations
- Identifying Community Resources
ECE will provide education, resources and technical assistance for the prevention of suspension and expulsion practices in early childhood programs.
The Temperament Program
The Temperament Program is a collaborative approach between parent(s), child care providers and the ECE educator to understand a child’s temperament. When a child’s temperament is understood, it is easier to meet the child’s needs in order to encourage the child’s development.
Program Provides:
- Parent and Provider Support
- Staff Education
- Resources
Why should I learn about a child’s temperament?
There are nine unique temperament traits that contribute to one’s personality. These traits include: activity level, regularity, distractibility, adaptability, intensity, approach, persistence, sensitivity and mood. Learning about temperament helps us understand a child’s natural tendencies, which helps us to focus on strategies to help support their physical, social and emotional development. When you know your child’s temperament you can help your child develop:
- Self-regulation skills
- Self-confidence skills
- Social skills
How can the Temperament Program benefit me?
The Temperament Program provides a means for parents and child care providers to understand a child’s unique temperament in order to:
- Minimize stress inducing experiences in a child’s day
- Reduce challenging behaviors
- Respond to a child’s individual learning needs
- Encourage a child’s social skills