Grants available to child care providers

Home » Grants available to child care providers


December 9, 2021

For Immediate Release: Thursday, December 9, 2021
DSS Media Contact: Steve Long,, 605.773.5465

Grants available to child care providers

PIERRE – Grants to assist child care providers licensed and registered with the South Dakota Department of Social Services (DSS) will soon be available, Governor Kristi Noem announced this week.

“Child care services are a vital component of South Dakota’s strong economy,” said DSS Cabinet Secretary Laurie Gill. “South Dakota is investing in our communities and families by helping stabilize child care providers. I am grateful to Governor Noem for including this priority issue in her recommended budget and for spreading awareness by highlighting this program in her budget address.”

South Dakota received $100 million through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 to help support child care providers and families impacted by COVID-19. The Department of Social Services will use the funds to support new and existing child care providers through a variety of grants including stabilization funding, program enhancements, and startup funding for new daycares.

The initial distribution of this funding includes $60 million in stabilization grants to existing child care providers. DSS is managing the application process with an anticipated awarding of grants in January 2022.

Grant awards will be based on the provider’s average monthly expenditures. The funding is available to child care providers registered and licensed by the Department of Social Services at the time of their application.

Additional information on the ARPA Child Care Stabilization Grants is available at

DSS provides assistance to low-income families who need help with child care costs while parents work or attend school. Additional information including an online application is available at or by calling Child Care Services at 1.800.227.3020.

DSS also provides oversight, technical assistance, and support in promoting safe, healthy, and caring environments for children through licensing, registration, and quality improvement activities. Information on state child care registration or licensing is available at or by calling a licensing representative from the Office of Licensing and Accreditation at 1.800.227.3020.

Child care providers may access more information on the grants at

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